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4 Awesome Air Plant Facts You Need To Know! 


Why Air Plants?

If their name didn’t give them away already- air plants are great at clearing the toxins in your home and purifying the air.

 We know this from multiple studies performed by NASA and other organizations such as the Radioisotopes Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro- who experimented and concluded that Air plants have the ability to remove heavy metals in contaminated Amazonia Gold Shops. We’ve been scattering Air plants around our office from the very beginning, so when the pandemic hit- we send air plants to our employees to help them relieve stress and purify their space.

Fun Fact

Air plant’s closest fruit relative is the Pineapple!

Air plants are a member of the Tillandsia Genus family, the same line that produces the bromeliads! 

They like it dirty! 

Air plants are not fussy plants but they do require occasional misting. Unlike Houseplants that get their nutrients from soil, sun and water, Air plants only need water to thrive. An important note to remember when watering your air plants - they prefer dirty water such as lake/pond water, bird-bath water or even rain water over distilled water and tap-water. If you don’t have access to dirty water then we suggest you let your tap-water sit overnight to help the chlorine and other minerals to dissipate before misting your air plants.

Air Plants Give Pups!

Air plants bloom once in their life, and during that time they will flower pups! What are pups you ask?
Pups are baby air plants! If this fact alone doesn’t make you want to get air plants then we’re not sure what else could convince you! You can keep the pups attached to their mother plant to create a cluster of Air Plants, or you can simply snip it off and let the new pup become an air plant on its own. Remember that Air Plants only bloom once in their lifetime, it's usually when they are at their peak life cycle (hence the pups as well!). After this point, the air plant will start to age so make sure that you save your pups for more air plants!

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