Artificial Dahlia and Chrysanthemum Rose Bouquet Arrangement
Fulfilled by our friends at Sun Decorer
Elevate your decor with our exquisite Artificial Dahlia, Dried Rose, and Chrysanthemum Bouquet Arrangement. With an overall height of 20 inches (50cm), this stunning bouquet features a combination of Dahlia flowers, dried rose blooms, chrysanthemums, and various leaf accents. Each element is meticulously crafted from high-quality fabric material, capturing the beauty and charm of real flowers. The unique blend of Dahlias, dried roses, and chrysanthemums adds an elegant and rustic touch to any setting. Perfect for home decor, weddings, or special events, this bouquet arrangement brings timeless beauty and lasting elegance to your space.
- Overall height: 20 inches (50cm)
- Features a combination of Dahlia flowers, dried rose blooms, and chrysanthemums
- Includes various leaf accents for added realism
- Made from high-quality fabric material
- Lifelike appearance and texture
- Adds a touch of elegance and rustic charm
- Suitable for home decor, weddings, or special events.