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Care Guide

Chinese Evergreen Care

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Meet Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen also known as Aglaonema, it is an easy plant to grow and care for. Native to Asia it just about tolerates any indoor condition. The larger leaves come with unique patterns that work with all types of planters and furniture. 

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Chinese evergreen plants will thrive in low to bright, indirect light. Different varieties have slightly different light needs, however, and in general, the darker the leaves and stalk, the more tolerant the plant is of low light. For all varieties, avoid full sun, which can scorch the leaves.

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Pet Friendly


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Plant in well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes. Water well, then let the top two inches of soil dry out before watering again. In dimmer lighting conditions, let the soil dry out more before watering again.

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Chinese evergreen plants prefer standard room temperatures between 65º and 80º F, but the biggest pitfall to avoid is temperatures below 60º F.

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Difficult Level


   Common Problems Q&A

Why are my leaves yellow?

This may be a sign your plant  has an insect problem. If that is the case spraying your plant with soapy water or Neem oil will help get rid of the pests.

Why are my leaves drooping?

This may be an indication that your plant is too dry. We would recommend watering you plant and the leaves should perk up. This could also be an indication your plant is too cold. Try placing it somewhere warmer!

Why are my leaves Turning brown and drying out?

This is usually a sign the plant is too dry or too hot. Try placing it somewhere cooler and make sure to water your plant when the top 2 inches of soil is dry.

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