Care Guide
Begonia Care

Meet the Begonia
One of the most stunning and eye-catching plants you can cultivate inside is the begonia. They are not extremely fragile, but they may be a little demanding about light and water, which makes them a perfect intermediate-level plant project. With their complex leaves, begonias are vivacious and entertaining plants that will liven up your environment and offer a dash of color.

Cane Begonias love bright direct sunshine. Rex and Rhizomatous Begonias prefer a little more shade. Move your plant to a less sunny location if any of the leaves appear burned.

Pet Friendly
NOT Pet Safe

The biggest issue in cultivating Begonias is finding the proper watering balance. Since Begonias are extremely sensitive to overwatering and are prone to developing root rot, the soil should ideally always be slightly moist but not soggy. Before watering, test the soil with your finger; the top inch should feel dry (approximately up to your first knuckle). While watering the soil, keep the leaves dry.

Begonia plants thrive in high humidity environments, ideally between 50-60%. To maintain this, mist the leaves regularly or place the plant on a humidity tray with water and pebbles.

Begonias like temperatures of around 72º F, although they can also tolerate slightly higher or lower temperatures. Begonias thrive at higher temps with greater humidity.

Difficulty Level
Common Problems Q&A
Are Begonias easy to care for?
Yes, as long as you give begonias the proper care, they are simple to cultivate. They are the pickiest when it comes to water and humidity, which can be challenging for some people to get just right.
Do Begonias prefer sun or shade?
The majority of Begonias prefer shade and will burn in direct sunlight. However this can vary slightly between different Begonia types.
Can Begonias live indoors?
Begonias are wonderful indoor plants and can survive indoors. Only the tuberous varieties, which need a period of winter hibernation, cannot be grown year-round inside.