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House Plant Spring Care Guide 

With new season, comes new responsibilities. 

Aith Spring upon us (a little earlier than later where we are, reminding us that as the stewards of this place we call home and we haven’t been the nicest to her) your plants are starting to wake up from their dormant state. If you see your outdoor perennials blooming then it's a sure sign that your houseplants are awake and ready for another active growing season! Now that our days are longer and warmer, we’ll need to adjust our watering schedule and restart feeding fertilizers once again to help our houseplants successfully transition into spring!

What is Dormant State?
Just like us, houseplants have evolved to adapt to our changing environment. Long before they came indoors, your houseplants lived freely outdoors with no one to care for it. During winter time, when resources are scarce, houseplants reserve their energy to help them get through the cold season. During this period, they focus on surviving and not sprouting new growths.

Up your water intake.

A little reminder for you too but most importantly for you plants! Now that it's getting hotter, your soil will start to dry out faster than the rate it did during the winter season so you’ll need to adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Personally we water every week during spring/summer time and every other week during the winter, take into consideration that we’re based in Southern California. If you’re unsure how often you should be watering your houseplants, try the finger test before watering-stick your finger ½” into the soil, if your fingers come out dry then it's time for watering but if it comes out soggy/ you feel the dampness underneath then you can hold off on watering.

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Provide Nutrients 

Waking up from a long nap, your houseplants are hungry for feeding! Provide fertilizers for extra feed but be moderate not generous with it! There is such a thing as fertilizer burns, and some signs that your houseplant may have had one-too-many feeds include- salt buildup on the surface, yellowing/burnt leaves and droopy plants. You can provide fertilizer every few weeks, or HEAVILY dilute it and water your plants with it.

Shop Fertilizers

Repot your Houseplants.

During the winter season we always recommend not repotting your houseplants since the damages that occur during repotting could take longer to heal due to your houseplant’s dormant state. But during Spring aka growth season, your houseplants can take the hit and heal themselves pretty quickly, making it the perfect time to repot. Your houseplants are actively growing during this period, if there isn’t enough space for the roots to grow then expect stressed out plants. Houseplants prefer a little root bound so when upping your pot size, take it slow- move up only an inch or two at most!
Tip: Lift up your houseplants (you might need to do this a few times to be sure since water affects the total weight of your houseplant) if it needs watering but is still heavy then it might be too root bounded. 

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Why is it recommended to put houseplants outdoors for a few hours of the day during Spring?
This tip is not for those who exclusively keep their houseplants indoors. Instead it's meant for those who love incorporating houseplants into their outdoor landscaping. It's recommended that you place your houseplants outdoors for a few hours of the day to help them build their tolerance to the new temperature. 

Stuff you may need for successful Spring Transition

House Plant Shop Fertilizer (Plant Food) - 500ml - House Plant Shop
House Plant Shop Fertilizer (Plant Food) - 500ml - House Plant Shop
House Plant Shop Fertilizer (Plant Food) - 500ml - House Plant Shop

House Plant Shop Fertilizer (Plant Food) - 500ml


More Tips!

Dust your leaves!
- Do we really need to bust out our elementary textbooks to remind you about photosynthesis? The dust that covers your houseplant’s leaves limits its ability to properly photosynthesize, stunting your plant’s growth. Use soft damp towels to gently dust your plants every few weeks.

Up the humidity for plants like ferns and Ivy’s.
- You might want to wait till summer fully hits before taking out the humidifiers or pebble rocks.

PSA: Would you replace all of your skincare products at once or slowly introduce a new product one at a time?
The latter right? Same goes with your houseplant’s spring care, we know you love your houseplant but attempting to complete/tick off all of these tips at once might stress your plant out. Instead try one change a week/ every other week- see how your plants react, a yellowing leaf or a droopy plant isn’t always a dying plant- its the plant’s way of communicating to us that they need something.