Plant Size
- Alocasia
- Amydrium
- Anthurium
- Apoballis
- Arabica
- Aralia
- Aspidistra
- Azalea
- Begonia
- Bonsai
- Bromeliad
- Cactus
- Caladium
- Calathea
- Carnivorous
- Castanospermum
- Chinese Evergreen
- Clusia
- Cordyline
- Croton
- Cryptanthus
- Dieffenbachia
- Dracaena
- Euphorbia
- Fatsia
- Fern
- Ficus
- Fittonia
- Flower
- Fruit
- Gardenia
- Geogenanthus
- Geranium
- Guzmania
- Homalomena
- Hoya
- Hypoestes
- Ivy
- Jasmine
- Lipstick
- LithopsLivingStone
- Malpighia
- Maranta
- Monolena
- Monstera
- Nematanthus
- Nettle
- Orchid
- Othanna
- Pachira
- Palm
- Peperomia
- Philodendron
- Pilea
- Piper
- Poinsettia
- Pothos
- Schefflera
- Schismatoglottis
- Scindapsus
- Snake
- Spathiphyllum
- Spider
- Strelitzia
- Stromanthe
- Succulent_All
- Succulent_Senecio
- Syngonium
- Tradescantia
- Xanthosoma
- Zamioculcas
- Zebra
- ZZ Plant
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- Bundle
- Flowering
- Gifts and Decor
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- Tropical Indoor Plant
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Tropical Indoor Plants
With an endless array of shapes and patterns, our tropical plants are sure to brighten up any space. Explore our Tropical Indoor Plant Collection to find the perfect ones to enhance your home.
from $29.99| /Alocasia 'Silver Dragon'
Botanical Name: Alocasia baginda Common Names: Silver Dragon Description: With leaves that are light green to silvery with dark-green vein...
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from $29.99| /Alocasia 'Mickey Mouse' (Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Variegatum Monstrosum')
Botanical Name: Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'Variegatum Monstrosum' Common Names: Mickey Mouse Plant Description: Also known as Alocasia Xantho...
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$44.99| /Alocasia Pink Dragon
Botanical Name: Alocasia calidora Common Names: Alocasia Pink Dragon Description: Alocasia Pink Dragon has oval Shaped Alocasia leave...
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from $32.99| /Alocasia 'Dragons Breath'
Botanical Name: Alocasia Heterophylla Common Names: Dragon's Breath Elephant Ear Description: Alocasia ‘Dragon’s Breath’ has silvery b...
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Original price $39.99Current price $29.99| /Alocasia 'Mirror Face' - 4" Pot
Botanical Name: Alocasia Sinuata Common Names: Mirror Face Description: Alocasia sinuata is a dwarf hybrid Alocasia with shiny deep green lea...
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$26.99| /Alocasia 'Ebony'
Botanical Name: Alocasia Ebony Common Names: Ebony Description: Alocasia ebony is an arrow shaped Alocasia with deep green leaves that ha...
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