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Care Guide

Cryptanthus Care

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Meet Cryptanthus

With over 1,200 different varieties, Cryptanthus have incredibly varied and beautiful foliage ranging from dark green and variegated to bright reds and pinks to silvery stripes. Most Cryptanthus grow close to the ground and can be as small as three inches in height. However, there are some species of Cryptanthus that can grow as tall as three feet.

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Grow Cryptanthus in a bright spot. These small indoor plants can take some direct sun on their leaves, so they're perfect for dressing up an otherwise bland window sill. As a general rule, the brighter the light, the more colorful the plants are.

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Pet Friendly


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Water Cryptanthus so the soil just dries before watering again. They don't seem to be particularly fussy and will thrive in moist soil. Likewise, if you forget to water your Cryptanthus now and again, they don't mind.

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It prefers temperatures between 60° and 85° F.

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Difficult Level


   Common Problems Q&A

 Why are my leaves yellowing?

This is generally a sign that you are overwatering your plant. This may also be a sign your plant is getting too little light. Try moving your plant to an area where it will receive bright, indirect light. 

Why are my leaves curled and brown?

Your Cryptanthus is getting too little water and too much light. Cryptanthus plants do best in bright, indirect light.

Why is mold developing on the soil?

This is a sign your plant is receiving too little light, and is being over watered. Although this is harmless, it may be unsightly and may want to remove it. Remove the top two inches of soil and replace it with fresh soil.

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Shop Cryptanthus Plants

Cryptanthus 'Pink Star' - House Plant Shop
Cryptanthus 'Pink Star' - House Plant Shop
Cryptanthus 'Pink Star' - House Plant Shop
Cryptanthus 'Pink Star'
Cryptanthus 'Pink Star'
Cryptanthus 'Pink Star'
Cryptanthus 'Pink Star'

Cryptanthus 'Pink Star'

  • Botanical Name: Cryptanthus 'Pink Star'
  • Common Names: Pink Star, Earth Star
  • Description: Earth Stars are unusual houseplants perfect for adding a dash of color and texture to your spaces. Small indoor plants, they're perfect for growing on bright tabletops -- and make excellent living centerpieces for special gatherings. Because they're easy to grow, earth stars are also ideal additions to your desk at work. They don't need constant nurturing, so you can enjoy their beauty without a lot of maintenance. 
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