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Care Guide

Bromeliad Care

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Meet the Bromeliad

Bromeliads come mostly from South America but can be found as North as Virginia. They are relatives of the Pineapple. Bromeliads are very hardy plants and easy to care for. They make wonderful flowering house plants. If you live in a climate that never sees below freezing temperatures, you can grow Bromeliads outdoors.

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Bromeliads like bright light but prolonged periods of direct sunlight can damage the plants. Ideally, you want to place your Bromeliad in a spot where it gets medium to bright light. 

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Pet Friendly


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Bromeliads have a unique "cup" at the center that can hold water. You should keep the center cup filled with water. Bromeliads do not need to be watered through the soil as long as the cup has water in it. It is important to keep the water in the cup fresh because you don't want stagnant water sitting in the cup. You should dump out the water and refresh it about every week.

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Bromeliads can tolerate a large range of temperatures. They can survive temps as low as 40° F to as high as 90° F.

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Difficult Level


   Common Problems Q&A

Why are my leaves yellowing?

The most common reason Bromeliads have yellow leaves is due to improper soil moisture/ overwatering. When watering you plant make sure to pour enough water so that liquid pours out the bottom drainage holes into a saucer. Pour out water in saucer, do not let the plant sit in water, this may lead to root rot.

What is the best size pot for my bromeliad?

A bromeliad's roots act as anchor and do not grow very large. A small pot about 4-6 inches should be large enough to hold our bromeliad plants. Using a pot that is too large will result in the potting soil retaining too much water and can eventually lead to root rot which causes the plant to die.

Why are my leaves Turning brown and drying out?

This most likely means that your bromeliad is lacking moisture, which could either mean you are not watering your plant enough or it is in an environment with low humidity. Try watering your bromeliad more frequently and maintaining a regular watering schedule.

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Shop Bromeliad Plants

Bromeliad 'Donna'
Bromeliad 'Donna'
Bromeliad 'Donna' - House Plant Shop
Bromeliad 'Donna' - House Plant Shop

Bromeliad 'Donna'

  • Botanical NameNeoregelia 'Donna'
  • Common Names: Donna 
  • Description: The Bromeliad Donna has a deep colored bloom with green outer leaves. This plant ships fully bloomed and looks very similar to the plant in the picture. These bromeliads prefer medium to low light and warm humid environments.
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Liquid error (sections/pf-26ad2939 line 251): product form must be given a product
Bromeliad 'Medusa'
Bromeliad 'Medusa'
Bromeliad 'Medusa' - House Plant Shop
Bromeliad 'Medusa' - House Plant Shop
Bromeliad 'Medusa' - House Plant Shop

Bromeliad 'Medusa'

  • Botanical Name: Neoregelia Medusa
  • Common Names: Bromeliad Medusa
  • Description: The Bromeliad Medusa has a mixture of red and green leaves coming out of its center. This plant ships with the red leaves and looks very similar to the plant in the picture. These bromeliads prefer medium to low light and warm humid environments. 
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Bromeliad 'Silver Vase' - House Plant Shop
Bromeliad 'Silver Vase' - House Plant Shop

Bromeliad 'Silver Vase'

  • Botanical Name: Bromeliad Fasciata
  • Common Names: SilverVase or Urn Plant
  • Description: This Bromeliad is a flowering plant native to Brazil. In nature, it is an epiphytic plant, which means it grows on other plants or trees. This bromeliad variety has thick, arching, gray-green leaves.
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Bromeliad Cyanea 'Pink Quill'
Bromeliad Cyanea 'Pink Quill'
Bromeliad Cyanea 'Pink Quill' - House Plant Shop
Bromeliad Cyanea 'Pink Quill' - House Plant Shop

Bromeliad Cyanea 'Pink Quill'

  • Botanical Name: Wallisia Cyanea
  • Common Names: Bromeliad Tillandsia Cyanea Pink Quill
  • Description: The Pink Quill Plant, or Tillandsia Cyanea, is one sweet little plant. Cyanea Pink Quill has a deep pink colored bloom with green outer leaves. This plant ships fully bloomed and looks very similar to the plant in the picture. The Pink Quill, a Bromeliad which also grows an air plant, makes an easy & tough houseplant.
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