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Care Guide

Alocasia Care

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Meet Alocasia

The Alocasia Polly also known as the African Mask or Elephant Ear is all about the unusual and unique alien looking leaves. The Alocasia Polly is a unique houseplant but beware that it is on the harder side to care for.

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Bright indirect light, but no direct sun.

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Pet Friendly


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Allow the top 2"- 3" of soil to dry out before watering. Try to keep the soil evenly moist. Alocasia plants require less water during the winter when it's dormant.

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60°-80° F
These plants becomes dormant with prolonged exposure to temperatures below 60° F.

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Difficult Level


Common Problems Q&A

Why are my leaves drooping?

You may be under-watering your plant, Alocasia plants prefer consistently moist soil. Alocasia plants thrive in humid environments. You can increase the humidity for your plant by misting the leaves regularly or placing a humidifier near by.

Why are my leaves yellowing?

You may be over watering your plant. Alocasia plants like to be kept damp but not overly wet. Keeping a regular watering schedule is important! Yellow leaves can also occur if the plant does not receive enough light. Remember some yellowing leaves are normal, plants will shed old leaves to send energy to the new ones!

Why are there spots on my leaves?

This may be a sign your plant has a disease or pests. This can be avoided by not overwatering and providing proper air circulation. If you do notice pests on your plant, spraying your plant with soapy water or neem oil will get rid of pests.

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Shop Alocasia Plants

Alocasia Polly 'African Mask' - House Plant Shop
Alocasia Polly 'African Mask' - House Plant Shop
Alocasia Polly 'African Mask' - House Plant Shop
Alocasia Polly 'African Mask' - House Plant Shop
Alocasia Polly 'African Mask' - House Plant Shop
Alocasia Polly 'African Mask' - House Plant Shop
Alocasia Polly 'African Mask'

Alocasia Polly 'African Mask'

  • Botanical Name: Alocasia amazonica
  • Common Names: African Mask, Alocasia Polly, Elephant Ears
  • Description: The Alocasia Polly also known as the African Mask or Elephant Ear is all about the unusual and unique alien looking leaves. The Alocasia Polly is a unique houseplant but beware that it is on the harder side to care for. It requires bright, indirect sunlight as well as soil that is constantly moist from watering. Toxic to pets.
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